A human underwater habitat is now a reality. Here humans can live for a
longer period of time and also carry out most of their daily functions
just as easily as on land. This underwater structure is designed in a
way that people living in it can work, eat, rest, sleep and maintain
personal hygiene as they would do on land. The term 'habitat' is
normally used to understand the interior of the structure of its
immediate exterior and fixtures, but does not mean the structure's
surrounding water and marine environment.
1. The good
Underwater architects can produce self-sufficient food
Many of the initial underwater habitats that were build with the same
intention of providing a safe and a complete environment to people
lacked regenerative systems that included water, air, electricity food
and other essential resources. The recent and improved underwater habitats have great features and architectural innovations that allow these resources through pipes. These resources can even be generated within the structure of the habitat.
The future holds great opportunities for people who aspire to live in a
self sufficient environment like floating island cities. This aspiration
is mainly due to the adverse effects caused by global warming that effect the sea levels, land and the eco system on the coast lines of major cities.
The main aim of underwater structures is to generate and provide clean
energy and sustainable production of food. This is an extremely
fascinating concept of eco-architecture. A sustainable green technology
is the key factor of this wonder
habitat design. This will provide the future generation with a
sustainable refuge but also encourage generations to utilize clean
electricity, wave energy and solar power. This city will also be able to produce kinetic energy by an upright system of ballasts.
The city will be designed in such a manner that it will be able to
produce self sufficient food by methods of farming, hydroponics and
aquaculture. The structure’s top will be house to a vibrant forest fed
by the sun and the lower levels will consist of living and working areas
for people.
Can this be better?
Man throughout history has shaped buildings that only consume essential resources.
Today’s skyscrapers are an example of this gluttonous consumption. It
is an extremely dense space where various activities live play, work,
rest have become difficult to perform each passing day. These dilemmas
have encouraged humans to create other alternatives like subscrapers,
depth scraper and even groundscrapers. But even today humans have
struggles to achieve a structure that requires zero input or zero output
when it comes to resource production.
The hO2+ scraper promises to function as a self sufficient ambassador
under water. It will be an autonomous floating structure that is livable
and functional with self sustaining space. It will be able to generate
its own power through wind, current, wave and solar, bio etc. It will
also produce its own food through aquaculture, farming, hydroponics etc.
This self sustained structure will aim to create and provide people an
underwater oasis with ‘Zero’ negative impacts to its environment and
will also help improve it.
2. The bad
Sea storms problems with underwater architecture
Sea Storms problems with Underwater Architecture
Sea Storms: Naturally this can be the severest hurdle in the face of this design.
Transportation: A whole new transit system would be required, keeping in
mind the total economic situation prevailing then. Furthermore,
underwater transportation is not that feasible when compared to land
Can this be avoided?
This structure will be architecturally sufficient and will be able to kept itself upright by using a ballast and balancing tanks system. Its tentacles will offer balace and act as balancing
elements while generating power as they constantly move with the tide
of the sea water. A proper counter force will be produced by the
buoyancy and ballast controls and will help in keeping the building
3. The ugly:
High humidity and cost with underwater architecture
High Humidity and cost with Underwater Architecture
High humidity: The humidity levels would be much higher under water. Moreover there is no definite solution for cramped spaces in case of population increase.
High cost: The same problem plaguing the 'over water' skyscrapers; the
cost involved could be huge even if we possess the technology.
Why so critical?
In future land as an essential resource will be extremely scarce and it
will be our natural instinct to create our own land. About 71% of our
planet consists of water and as land continues to become scarce the
human population will gradually move to the seas. HO2+ scrapers's vision
is to create a new metropolis which creates natural environment under
The bottomline:
Well, it could take years to complete and demand a very high
expenditure. The architects need to suggest solutions to psychological
problems like living in confined spaces without natural lighting and
structural problems like weathering of sea storms as well. Nevertheless,
we cannot deny the novelty of this design which aims to make total
usage of green, emission free technology, and at the same time provide
us with a shelter from the repugnant effects of global warming.
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